Exceptional quality and high standards of service are second nature here at Pal International, which is why we’re delighted to have scored highly in recent compliance audits.

Exceptional quality and high standards of service are second nature here at Pal International, which is why we’re delighted to have scored highly in recent compliance audits.

The ISO14001 environmental standards audit earlier this month found zero non-conformities, certifying us for another three years. Looking after our planet and doing business sustainably is very important to us and our partners, so you can rest assured that we have our global interests at heart.

We have also been recertified for the Quality ISO9001 and Medical Device ISO13485 standards, giving peace of mind to nurses and medical practitioners around the world that we’re manufacturing high quality products to make a difference right where they’re needed most.

Paul Jefferies, Plant Director

“I’m delighted by the audit results, which allow us to continue delivering great service and meeting our customers’ needs through internationally recognised certifications.”